Decks are generally off-ground structures that are built directly into the earth, in front of the house, on a parcel of land, or as a free-standing wraparound in the backyard. When you think about adding a deck to your home, you’re probably wondering how you could benefit from it. Perhaps the best advantage of adding a deck to your home is the increased value it brings to your property. Aside from that, it could also add aesthetics and functionality to your home.
These may be some of the reasons more and more households in the US are adding decks to their existing houses. As a matter of fact, based on past surveys, around 4.2% of US households add a deck to their homes every year. That makes it more than three million new decks added each year.
If you’re thinking about adding a deck to your home and building it by yourself, it’s important to ensure correct planning and organization so you don’t run into any problems. Make sure you get all the information you need and don’t just wing it. Here are four pro tips to guide you in building a deck for your home.
1. Set A Budget For The Construction
The first step in building a home deck is determining how much money you’re willing to spend on the project. Setting a budget would allow you to create the deck you want without going over your means. Constructing a deck is a significant investment, so you’d want to have enough money set aside to see it through completion.
When it comes to building a new deck, there’d always be someone who could professionally help you do the job, whatever US state or city you may be in. For example, if you live around Colorado Springs, you may want to consider contacting a reputable deck repair Colorado Springs company that could help you with every step of the process. The right company would help you determine the style and size of the deck to build, where your yard should be located, and how much money you have to spend to build a structure that lasts.

2. Stay Organized
It’s important to stay organized if you’re building the deck by yourself. If you start doing things in the wrong order, you’d find yourself doing a lot more work later on than you had planned. Here are some things to keep in mind:
- You should begin by putting up the deck first then finish off by installing the roof. Remember to apply protective coating when using natural wood or lumber.
- Do the dry work first and then move onto the next steps. You need to know when you’re ready to put the deck down. You don’t want to be in a rush and then find that your deck is still unstable two weeks later.
However, in case you decide to seek professional help, you could always hire deck builders to do it for you. So, again, if you’re house is situated in Colorado Springs, for example, you could try Deck Builders Colorado Springs and similar companies in the area. You may do the same wherever US state or city you’re at by hiring your most trusted deck builder. With the right contractor, it won’t be long before you’d be sitting with your favorite drink in hand, enjoying your new deck.
3. Choose The Best Materials For The Deck
Before starting to build a deck at home, take time to research the different types of deck materials that are available. If you spend a little bit of time looking at the various types, you’d be surprised by their price differences. You could always get the materials with the lowest cost, but you may end up with a deck that’s messy or doesn’t look right because of the lumber you have used. Make sure you use the right type of construction material and that it fits the foundation well.
Decks may be made from materials like hardwood, aluminum, vinyl, composite, and concrete. And they could be made to mimic different types of structures found in the landscape. For example, there are decks built with stone patios, porches, arbors, gazebos, screened porches, and much more. Decks are most often built with pre-grooved and pre-stamped concrete, with the boards covered in standard low-density fiberboard insulation.
4. Check Local Codes And Regulations
Building decks may not be that complicated to do, especially when you take the time to plan out your design and construct your deck according to what you want. However, one of the most important things you need to keep in mind is the planning and construction approval, which may be required by local authorities.
Depending on your design and the fixtures you want to add (e.g., fireplace), you may also need to obtain additional permits to remodel or reconstruct a deck. Make sure everything is legal according to the area you’re planning on using the new outdoor living space for to avoid any hassles.
Some homeowners have made a deck by learning how to make one by themselves. There are many ways to build a deck, and you’d need to know the right way of doing it to make your deck look priceless. You’d also need to find some good plans to use so you could get started building with or without the help of a professional builder. A deck is one of the best ways to make your house more inviting and valuable. There’s no reason you should start building one at home.