If you live in a home that was built before the days of smart technology and eco-friendly solutions, you’re probably thinking about how you can implement them into your home now. And while this definitely can be achieved, you’ll need to understand that there are certain rules you should try to follow as much as possible, to make sure you stay on the safe side.
Updating your home the right way is very important, not just for your and your family’s peace of mind, but also for the potential return on investment you could earn if you ever decide to sell your home. That being said, here are 5 rules you should be following when updating your old house and turning it into a modern living space.
Stay within the right proportions
Many people make a mistake when updating their older homes and decide to completely change the proportions of either their interiors or exteriors. This, more often than not, results in spaces that simply look somewhat off. That’s why, no matter what you’re thinking about changing, you should find a way to make the new upgrade work with the rest of the space in harmony.
Insulate properly
Furthermore, older homes are usually very drafty. The reason behind this is usually the insulation that has seen some better days, as well as wall cracks and various other air leaks. To remedy this situation, inspect the shape of your current insulation and see if there’s room for improvement.
Furthermore, make sure you repair any cracks and seal off any air leaks, especially the ones around your windows and doors. Furthermore, if you have hardwood floors in your old home – and chances are that you do – avoid replacing it with some other flooring solution. Hardwood floors are actually excellent insulators, aside from the fact that they look absolutely stunning. If you want to make them a bit warmer, however, consider adding colorful area rugs to your rooms.
Take care of the electrical work
The electricity is another upgrade you don’t want to miss doing. Not only is this part necessary if you wish to add some new technology in your home, but it will also provide you with a peace of mind, knowing that all the electricity in your home is new and can handle all the new appliances and lighting solutions. However, this part should definitely be left to the professionals because not only is tampering with electricity on your own considered illegal in some countries, such as Australia, but it can also be fatal if you’re not careful. That’s why Sydneysiders always contact a reliable Sydney electrician if they need to have any electrical work done. This is especially the case if we’re talking about a project of this size and scope.
Show some love to windows and doors
As mentioned before, doors and windows on an old home can really be a true nightmare. If they were not maintained properly, chances are that the wood the windows and window frames are made of have gone completely rotten. If that’s the case, your only option will be to replace them with new solutions, but keep in mind the harmony and balance of design we’ve mentioned earlier. While new windows will definitely somewhat stick out, avoid changing their shape and size to still make them fit in nicely.
Introduce a touch of modern
Finally, just because your home is built in the past, that doesn’t mean that you need to go vintage with the interior design. Contrary to popular belief, you can make the interior of your home as modern as you want. However, if you want to use the old-timey charm to your advantage, you should consider going more modern rustic with your interior. If you choose to combine these two styles – or any two styles for that matter – keep in mind the 80-20 rule when decorating.
So, if you’re considering transforming your old home, keep these tips and guidelines in mind. They will help you stay on the right track and create a beautiful interior you and your family are bound to enjoy.