6 Easy Cleaning Chores That Double as Workouts


Did you know that the average person spends over two hours a day on household activities? If you’re one of the many who spend time cleaning, you may be surprised to learn that you can turn your cleaning chores into a workout. With a few simple modifications, you can burn calories and build muscle while keeping your home sparkling clean. Here are five easy cleaning chores that double as workouts.

Vacuuming can be a fat-burning exercise

Vacuuming is a great way to keep your floors clean, but did you know that it can also be a great workout? To turn this chore into a workout, try doing step back lunges while you vacuum. Start with two to three sets of 15 reps, and if you’re feeling up to it, you can do more. After you finish vacuuming, do some push-ups to work your upper body.

One of the great things about vacuuming is that it’s an aerobic exercise, which means that it raises your heart rate and helps you burn calories. By doing step back lunges, you’ll engage your legs and glutes, which will help you tone and strengthen those muscles. Additionally, push-ups are a great way to work your chest, shoulders, and triceps, which will help you build upper body strength.

Iron like an athlete

Ironing can be a low-impact exercise that can help you improve your posture and strengthen your upper body. It may not be the most enjoyable chore, but it can be a great way to work your muscles. It’s also an excuse to reorganise your wardrobe. To turn this chore into a workout, place your laundry basket on the floor – you’ll be engaging your legs and core as you bend and stretch to pick up the clothes. To get even more out of this workout, try doing lunges or squats while you iron.

Clean windows and keep fit

Window cleaning is a great way to let in more light and fresh air, but it can also be a great workout. Window cleaning is a full-body workout that engages your arms, shoulders, and core. By avoiding the use of a ladder, you’ll be forced to stretch your arms and engage your core muscles as you reach for the top of the windows. Additionally, doing squats as you clean the bottom corners of the windows will help you engage your leg muscles and improve your balance.

Quick and effective dusting exercise

Dusting is a great upper body workout that can help you tone and strengthen your arms and shoulders. It may seem like a quick and easy chore, but if you do it right, it can be a great workout. Start by dusting from the top of the shelves down to the bottom. This will work your arms and shoulders. Additionally, by dusting a little bit faster than your usual pace, you’ll increase your heart rate and burn more calories.

Bathroom cleaning: time-consuming but rewarding

Renovating your bathroom is nice, but cleaning it may be one of the most time-consuming and exhausting tasks on this list, but it can also be one of the most rewarding. To turn this chore into a workout, stretch as much as you can while cleaning the tiles. Divide the tile areas and scrub each small area with a sponge and a proper cleaning product. This will engage your arm and shoulder muscles, as well as your core.

Easy Cleaning Chores 2

Spring Cleaning: A Calorie-Burning Marathon

When the time for spring cleaning comes, you’ll burn even more calories than usual. According to a recent study, spring cleaning burns more calories than running a marathon. Yes, it takes longer, but running doesn’t get your property clean.

Spring cleaning is a great way to burn calories and get your home ready for the warmer weather. By tackling all of your cleaning chores in one go, you’ll engage your muscles and improve your endurance. Additionally, by taking breaks and hydrating throughout the day, you’ll be able to stay energised and focused.

Calories Burned During Cleaning Chores

In the chart below, we’ve put some numbers to several cleaning chores and the calories you’ll burn performing them for thirty minutes:

  • Vacuuming: 119 calories
  • Window Cleaning: 102 calories
  • Floor Cleaning (scrubbing, mopping): 129 calories
  • Dusting: 85 calories
  • Cleaning, emptying, and rearranging cupboards: 119 calories
  • Ironing: 56 calories

Cleaning chores are a great way to burn calories and keep your body fit. By incorporating simple exercises into your cleaning routine, you can turn everyday chores into effective workouts. Plus, you’ll get the added bonus of a clean and organised home. So the next time you’re cleaning your house, think about how you can turn your chores into a workout.

Other Cleaning Chores to Consider

While the cleaning chores listed above are great for burning calories and getting a workout, there are other chores that you can do to keep your body fit. For example, cleaning the gutters can be a great way to work your upper body and engage your core. This chore may be best left to a professional home cleaner if it’s too difficult to do by yourself.

Another chore to consider is raking leaves or picking up sticks in your yard. This is a great way to get some fresh air and work your arms, shoulders, and core. Plus, you’ll get the added benefit of a clean and tidy yard. If you have a pet – taking them for a walk or playing with them in the yard is a great way to get some exercise and bond with your furry friend.

Final words

Cleaning chores may not be the most enjoyable task, but with a little creativity, you can turn them into effective workouts. Incorporate simple exercises into your cleaning routine to burn calories, strengthen your muscles, and improve your overall fitness. Plus, you’ll get the added benefit of a clean and organised home. So the next time you’re cleaning your house, think about how you can turn your chores into a workout and get fit while keeping your home sparkling clean.

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