8 Habits that Destroy Your Healthy Lifestyle


Healthy Lifestyle

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You always exercise and avoid junk food, but your health is failing you. Find out the habits you need to kick out of your life.

You always avoid junk food, exercise regularly, and never miss a session of NAD+ IV treatment, but you still feel unhealthy. What could be making you feel and look this way?

Chances are there are habits that you have not given up and are destroying your healthy lifestyle. These bad habits need your attention, and they include the following:

1. Going to Bed Late

Going to Bed Late

Sleep is one of the most underrated factors that can lead to an unhealthy lifestyle. It provides a lot of benefits like improving cognition, mood, recovery from exercise, and boost testosterone in men.

Sleep also helps to control your appetite, with a bad night’s sleep leading to reduced satisfaction and increase hunger as it affects Ghrelin and Leptin levels. Different studies show that getting between 7-9 hours of sleep every night can enhance concentration, sporting performance, and recovery from workouts.

That means getting at most 6 hours of sleep leads to poor health. Note that the main factor is the length of your sleep – you could sleep at 5 am and arise at 1 pm, which is adequate.

You could also sleep at 9 pm and wake up at 3 am, which is not suitable for your health. Aim to get quality sleep for 8 hours every day and set yourself a bedtime and wake up time.

Switch off all your electronics at least 30 minutes before you go to bed and take supplements if you have a sleeping problem.

Another reason you may be feeling sluggish is due to vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Head to your local drug store and pick up some supplements, if you struggle to get enough in your diet.

2. Drunk Eating Cycle

You can take one or two bottles of alcohol if you are not suffering from alcoholism. There are even benefits of consuming alcohol in moderation, including heart health.

But excessive alcohol usage can result in weight gain, mainly because these drinks contain a lot of calories. Alcohol can also lead to drunk eating – two packets of crisps with every bottle, kebab when heading home, and fry up the next day.

That can give you about 2,000 calories, damage your diet, and lead to an unhealthy lifestyle. If you must drink, take low calories drinks, and drop those bar snacks.

3. Smoking Regularly

Smoking causes 30% of cancer deaths, 30% of heart disease deaths, and 80-90% of lung cancers. It also increases your chances of developing bladder, mouth, and throat cancer.



The health benefits you can get when you quit smoking are instant because your cardiovascular system and lungs begin to repair from the moment you drop this habit. Your lungs work better within 30 days, and you start to cough less, experience less shortness of breath, and feel more energetic.

Quitting smoking also improves your smell and taste senses and provide you with endurance – you can exercise better.

4. Not Drinking Water

Any qualified naturopathic medicine/doctor can tell you that keeping your body dehydrated can impact your overall health. Drinking insufficient water can cause dry skin, affect your ability to focus, make you unproductive, and lead to fatigued body.

It can also alter how your kidneys function and result in an impaired immune function because of the accumulate of toxins. Fix that by taking 3.7 liters of water per day if you are a man or 2.7 liters if you are a woman.

5. Becoming Sedentary

Research has shown that taking at least 10,000 steps every day can help to improve your fitness level and lower your body fat. Sadly, most people never hit more than 3,000 steps.

We sit when heading to work, when at work, on our way home, and when watching television. It is a habit that can result in hip issues, back pains, weight gain, muscle loss, and weak hamstrings.

Increase your step count per day from 3,000 by 500 every day until you hit the 10,000 marks. You can walk around your compound when you get out of work or walk on a treadmill.

6. Stress

Close-up of woman lying on notebook at desk

Everyone experiences stress, but you could end up having a damaged immune system if you are always stressed. Pressure can occur due to money, work, health, or even caring for an aging person; you can do little about these factors.

But you can control it to prevent severe consequences. That can include setting up boundaries, knowing your priorities, and saying no.

Exercise, meditation, deep breathing, and having time to meet friends and having fun can reduce your stress.

7. Eating Other Person’s Food

It might seem like a kid’s habit, but grownups with children or partners often find themselves doing that. They usually sit back after finishing their meals and take what the kids leave in the plates to avoid throwing that food away.

That can result in increased calorie intake. Fix this problem by cooking smaller meals, save the leftover for lunch, or throw the food away.

8. Skipping Breakfast

Breakfast gives you the energy you desire to begin your day the right way and sustain the energy all day. Skipping breakfast can lead to a lot of problems like mood, cognition, memory, hormonal health, and weight issues.

Your metabolism begins to slow when you skip breakfast, and that leads to sluggishness and weight gain.

The Bottom Line

It is crucial to be aware of your wellbeing and personal health. Nothing beats the need to take care of your body. Be active, share time with friends, enjoy your hobbies, and set aside time for yourself.

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