These Maintenance Mistakes are Hurting the Lifespan of Your Roof


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We all know that proper maintenance of your roof extends its lifespan. However, not everything you do means it’s right. If the roof was to serve you for 15 years, you could innocently shorten its life by making little mistakes. The following are maintenance mistakes that damage our roof and shorten its lifespan.

Pressure Washing the Roof

A high-pressure washer comes in handy for different chores at home, such as washing the car, the garage, and the driveway. However, this pressure can damage the roof because it is aggressive. The pressure dislocates shingles and granules, making them vulnerable to weather effects. Your roof ends up aging prematurely. The water may also see into the invisible cracks creating more damage.

Hiring Inexperienced Contractors

Some homeowners hire cheap contractors to save money on the costly project. Unfortunately, inexperienced roofers cut corners and may even make the issues worse than before. When it comes to anything regarding the roof, it is always advisable to hire qualified and experienced roofing contractors in the local. They are insured, licensed, come with warranties, and knowledgeable about roofing.

Ignoring the Gutters

The gutters may not seem like essential parts of the roof until a problem arises. The edge of the roof is vulnerable to wind and running water. Therefore, it can easily damage. If the gutters are overflowing and not passing the water as they should be, this can present a considerable problem to the roof. Therefore, there should be regular gutter maintenance to allow the proper flow of water. Ensure it is frequently inspected and fixed since some roofing problems come from clogged gutters.

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Letting Branches Hang Over

The lack of trimming the trees around the house can also present a considerable challenge to the roof’s life. By allowing branches to hang around, you are encouraging mold growth and giving the gutters a hard time when debris falls. Therefore, ensure the branches hanging over the roof are trimmed to minimize scratches and debris accumulation. It will also keep away pests and insects.

Excess Insulation

Insulation is vital since it maintains moderate temperatures in the attic and prevents energy loss. However, excess insulation is not healthy for your roof. This is because it hinders proper ventilation, blocking air from flowing in and out of the house. This problem results in moisture-related problems like mold and rot on the roof.

Choosing Temporary Repairs

The only way you will prevent roofing issues from re-occurring is by addressing the origin of the problem. Fixing a leak or a loose shingle will not solve the problem, and you will have more problems as time passes. So, patching a leak on one side of the roof will not prevent another from appearing on another corner. On top of that, you risk water damage should heavy rains fall. The best way to keep your roof in good condition is to ditch temporary repairs and fix the issue from the root.

The Takeaways

Prolong the life of your roof by applying professional roofing services. You will enjoy a roof for a long time without needing to call a roofer. Even though you are maintaining your roof, these mistakes hurt its life, which is why it is crucial to avoid them.

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