When healthy cells in the gut are compromised, leaky gut syndrome develops. Also known as intestinal permeability, this condition leads to space developing between the cells.
Undigested food, bacteria, and toxins then make their way through the resulting holes and across the intestinal lining. These same contaminants travel to the tissue and into the bloodstream, causing a whole range of symptoms. How can a person reduce the risk of developing leaky gut and close any spaces that have appeared?
Take Probiotics
When learning more about leaky gut, a person will hear they need to take probiotics. Probiotics help to break down food and reduce irritation. The person is better able to take up nutrients, which will help the body repair itself.
The probiotics determine what goes into the body and what is eliminated. At the same time, they kill bad bacteria and yeast.
Reduce Stress
Reduce stress to help the gut heal. When a person is under stress, their gut changes. Reducing this stress can return the gut to its normal balance and heal the symptoms of leaky gut. This may be done through meditation, yoga, or anything a person finds will help bring their stress levels under control.
Get Enough Sleep
A lack of sleep leads to stress, which can exacerbate leaky gut. In addition, people who don’t get enough sleep often don’t eat right, which can lead to an increase in symptoms. Finally, when a person stays up late, they are likely to eat close to bedtime. They then have problems sleeping, and that messes with their gut.
Quit Smoking
Smoking does harm to the body in many ways. One way it may do so is by altering the intestinal microbiome. This can lead to a range of intestinal and systemic diseases, which may include leaky gut. Quitting smoking improves health in a range of ways, so this should be a priority for anyone suffering from this condition.
Reduce Alcohol Intake
Researchers believe alcohol use may be a leading factor in the development of leaky gut syndrome. It does so by suppressing the production of prostaglandins. These hormonal substances moderate inflammation. Without prostaglandins, the inflammation causes more damage to the gut.
Ingest Coconut Oil
Ingesting coconut oil helps to address bacteria, fungi, and parasites in the gut. It increases healthy bacteria levels while reducing bloating. With regular coconut oil use, a person helps their body to better absorb nutrients and vitamins. In addition, coconut oil reduces body fat and other health issues.
Use Prebiotics
Prebiotics are also beneficial for individuals suffering from leaky gut. They help to eliminate bad bacteria by offering good bacteria a food source. The human body cannot digest prebiotics, so they are readily available for good bacteria and provide a regular food source.
Whole Foods
Individuals with leaky gut need to eat whole foods. Dietary fats and sugars encourage the growth of unhealthy gut bacteria and may stimulate the release of dietary emulsifiers that inflame the gut. A balanced diet including whole foods fortifies the gut, and vitamin D and L-glutamine help repair the lining.
Leaky gut syndrome is real for many people. They need help to address the symptoms that come with this condition. Lifestyle changes help those who struggle with this condition.
Begin making these changes today and see how they work. Each person must find the right combination for their needs. However, don’t give up until this combination is found. When it is, the person will feel better, and it will show in everything they do.