Whilst we all can agree that dogs are pretty smart, they do need to be trained. By that, we do not mean training purely for recreational activities i.e. rollover tricks, give paw etc.
Instead, we’re talking about the more serious side to training – changing any bad dog behavior. You see, at the end of the day, dogs are animals and animals behave instinctively – this is very normal, it’s part of their nature.
The thing is, a badly behaved dog can cost their owners dearly if not kept in check. Your training will therefore want to focus on changing the way your dog expresses its natural dog instincts. Amongst all, maintaining control of your dog when out in public or in your own home when strangers are visiting are some of the first things to achieve.
There are many ways you can train your dog (we won’t deny this is a vast topic) but crate training, as many of you would have known, is one of the most basic method used to dog training. Here’s a few things to note if you choose to go down this path:
1. It is NOT a dog training tool to be abused
First and foremost, this is NOT an avenue for when you just want time out from your pet dog. It shall not be abused as a place where you banish your dog into when you are tired of playing or spending time with it, or when you just want some alone time for yourself. NEVER ever do that.
2. It is to properly house train your dog
Crate training, when used properly, is an excellent method to house train your dog. The idea is to confine your dog to the crate for a short period of time i.e. 1 hour to familiarize it with the crate. Upon release from the crate, you should always bring it outside for a walk, for him to do his business, anything.
3. Adequate reward associated
And when he does his business, reward it with either a healthy dog treat, or lavish them with your love and affection. A belly rub, patting or stroking are all in order. This will establish a ‘good behaviour, reward associated” mindset which in turn will instill proper dog behaviour.
4. No overnights
Always be at home when you use the crate and do not lock your dog in it overnight. You do not want your dog to associate the crate as a form of punishment so make sure the inside is comfortable too, that it is not too small, not too cramped.
Remember, dogs react instinctively and they should not be punished for doing what comes naturally. Screaming and beating your dog do not, and will not help train it. It will only create fear and instill a lack of confidence within your pup which further agitate their bad behaviour. Always bear in mind that all they want is just acceptance and with patience, you can surely achieve that.
If all else fails, you can always seek for professional help. Before that though, we suggest sending it to a dog care centre. Contrary to many’s belief, a dog daycare centre like doggy daycare Kip offers more than just basic care for your furry friend. Good ones, like this one here, also provide additional services like dog training and grooming. We think it’s worthwhile to give it a try – they are experienced and professional, having dealt with different kinds of breeds day in day out (not to mention it is also a more economical option comparatively).
Definitely give it a go first before anything else!