Most moms care about a nice garden. Not only does it provide relaxation after long and stressful days, but it is also a playground for the kids to explore. When creating your garden environment, you need to take both into account. You should think about adding a nice field for the kids to play or creating a small relaxation spot in the garden to meditate. This is of course dependent on the space you have available. It all starts with understanding the space you have available and then working towards the perfect garden you have in your mind.
Start with use cases
Yes, this might seem like a very business-minded heading, but use cases do come in handy. What are the use cases you have in mind for your garden? For example:
- Barbequing with friends
- A sandbox for the kids to play
- Doing my morning exercise
- Reading a book in the shadow on a sunny day
When you have listed all those potential use cases, it is time to get your head cracking. The goal of the exercise is to prioritize them. Which ones come first? What is more important to me? How often will this happen? All valid questions to ask when you are prioritizing the items. In the end, you have a list at your disposal that can help you do the selection.
Validating what is possible in your garden
With the prioritized list you can check how many squared meters you would need. Then, the cost-benefit analysis comes in handy (sorry for the business terminology again…). With a cost-benefit analysis, you can validate if the potential benefits outweigh the cost (the squared meters needed). For example, do I want to spend over 8 squared meters on a large sandbox for the kids if they will only play there a few times a year? This will help you select the best options for your garden to-be.
Start planting!
Ready to plant those plants? We are! though first, you need to find the one you wish to plant. Several options come to mind: Daylillies, Hibiscus, Lavender, or hydrangea. Once you have selected which plants to put in your beautiful garden as well as the use cases you will implement, it is time to plant them. Of course, the types of plants and trees you like to plant are dependent on your needs. We recommend checking out Pinterest and Instagram for ideas that suit your style. There are many people (and moms!) that love to share their ideas on plants and, trees and even bulbs.
Consider a tool to design your garden
Choosing the right plants for your garden can be a tough call. Therefore, a digital tool can help you in designing the garden. There are many apps and software packages out there. Do take into account the plant coverage they have. Some of the tools only let you design the spaces (e.g. where is a bench, where will you place grass) but do not allow for plant selection. We think that the plants make space feel like your own, so this is an element that should not be forgotten.