Should You Get a Conveyancer or Solicitor When Selling Your House?


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If you plan on selling your house, you should, first and foremost, keep in mind that you have a lot of responsibilities to take care of throughout the whole process.

Probably one of the most complex ones involves finalizing legal documents. It’s a difficult thing to do, but you’ve probably heard of two main terms when asking about how you can go through the process more conveniently. Specifically, we’re talking about a conveyancer and a solicitor.

However, what exactly are the roles of a conveyancer and a solicitor? Are they different? Do you need both to be on your side or do you only need to choose one? If it’s the latter, then which one should you work with? We’re going to answer all these questions in this article.

What are Conveyancers?

Basically, conveyancers are professionals majoring in conveyance. This specifically refers to legal transfers pertaining to a property’s documents. Take ownership papers and deed of sale, for example. This is just one branch of the legal matters required in buying and selling a house, but it’s also one of the most important, so you’ll find their services worth it.

When Should You Work With Conveyancers?

Keep in mind that the main quality of conveyancers is their one-field expertise. This is a double-edged sword for clients like you. It will just depend on what you’re currently looking for in a legal professional.

For instance, if you only need help with conveyance and fully wrapping up the transfer of your property’s ownership, then their assistance will already be enough. However, if you need more of an all-around professional by your side, then a conveyancer’s service may not be enough to cater to your needs.

What are Solicitors?

On the other hand, we have solicitors. These refer to professionals who have a wider coverage instead of simply having a single focus on legal matters. For an overview, instead of only being able to help in owner transfers, they can also draft up conveyancing agreements, finalize the deed of sale, review terms and conditions during the sale, and more.

The service of solicitors can be more expensive because of the coverage of their assistance, but rest assured that you will still find your investment worth it.

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When Should You Work With Solicitors?

If you want an all-around legal professional by your side throughout the sale of your property, then working with solicitors will definitely be the best choice. With them, you won’t have to avail of the services of multiple professionals since they can handle most, if not all, of your legal matters.

You should also work with solicitors if you only have the budget to do so. Again, their quotes can be higher than that of conveyancers, so keep this in mind when deciding between the two. 

Which is Better: Conveyancer or Solicitor?

The question as to which will be better between a conveyance and a solicitor will depend entirely on what you’re looking for in a legal professional.

For instance, if you don’t need much in terms of processing legal matters, and you specifically only need assistance with transferring your property’s ownership, then a conveyancer will be the better choice. You don’t need to splurge on a working with a solicitor if so. You may even find them more reliable since they already have great expertise in the field.

On the flip side, if you think you have a higher level of needs in terms of processing law-related matters and finalizing the overall sale of your house, then you may be better off with a solicitor. Because of the depth of their knowledge in legal processes, you can turn to them for almost anything regarding the transfer, review, and repayment of your property. Also, prefer the experienced Conveyancing Solicitors Warrington to sell your home in a legal way.


To wrap it up, conveyancers and solicitors are two different kinds of legal professionals. They offer similar services. However, the main expertise and tasks they will work with will differ.

In a nutshell, conveyancers focus more on conveyance-related needs or those relating to finalizing property transactions. Solicitors, on the other hand, have a lot more to offer since their expertise expands wider than just conveyance needs. The better choice will depend on your current needs.

On the last note, no matter if you choose to work with either a conveyancer or a solicitor, make sure that you talk to a professional and reliable one. You can check out our services at Conveyancing Store if you don’t have any idea where to find one yet. You can also apply for a quote from us if you’re not yet sure as to whether you’re financially capable to work with a professional or not. 

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