A complete Guide to Grow & Care for Corn Plants


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Corn has been grown in North American gardens for over 4,000 years. Corn plants are wonderful houseplants with delicate leaves that grow atop a cane and add a nice touch to a range of living spaces. It is a popular houseplant encountered in many homes and workplaces around the U.S., and Europe.

People find it attractive and beneficial to grow corn plants in their surroundings. This article is an ultimate guideline offering every detail for growing and caring for plants.

Briefing Corn Plants

Dracaena fragrans massangeana is the scientific name for corn plants. Corn plant is a tropical African perennial shrub that has been prominent as an interior plant in Europe since the mid-nineteenth century and in the United States since the early 20th century. These can grow up to 15 meters tall in open areas. If you keep your domestic corn plant healthy and happy, you can get some fragrant white blooms as well.

Lindenii, massangeana, and victoria are just a few of the leaf kinds found on the corn plant. It begins with thick stalks that produce long, narrow leaves that shoot upward like corn stalks. These plants are low-maintenance once you provide the correct growth conditions. Although you can keep nursery plants potted indoors all year. Spring, on the other hand, is the greatest time to start new plants.

Is it easy to take care of corn plants and maintain them?

Corn plants are ideal for amateurs because of their low care watering regimen and endurance for a wide range of light circumstances. They do best in a little shady corner. For example, it is best to keep it a few meters away from a window, where it meets up its light requirement. Corn plants are easy to care for and this makes them excellent houseplants.

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It stands as wonderful houseplants as it attains a height of only around 4- to 6-feet tall in pots. It’s also beneficial as it cleans the air organically.  These plants don’t have any unique needs in terms of water or light or other elements of caretaking. Also, it is ideal if you’re new to planting and want a sociable plant that displays positive and healthy developments. 

Things to Consider Before Planting a Corn Plant

When you decide to plant a corn plant in your environment, you will have to ponder certain factors to make your plant healthy and developing. So, we have compiled a list of factors along with details to help you know the things that support healthy plant growth.

1. Water Regimen

Make sure the soil is completely dry before watering the plants. Corn plants are evolved to hot, dry environments, so they don’t get dehydrated and don’t need to be refilled as often. As your plant grows larger, it will consume more water. Ensure that you drain the excess water from the container’s bottom.

2. Types of Soil

Warm and most well-draining planting growing mediums are suitable for usage. The plants show healthy growth in this type of soil. We advise keeping the soil slightly damp to the touch and in the winter slightly dry.

3. Appropriate Proportion of Light

These corn plants appreciate a great blend of sunshine and shade but ensure to avoid too much direct sunlight. Even though it grows faster and more effectively in strong light, it can also live and thrive well in dim lighting.

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4. Temperature

The ideal temperatures for your corn plant range between 15 and 24 degrees Celsius. The plant will be affected if the temperature falls below 12 degrees Celsius. You will be able to know this as the leaves start bending. Make sure you avoid placing it near cold temperatures, as this will also damage the plant.


We have listed the essential factors to consider for the healthy growth of your corn plant. Just follow the details to grow and take care of your plant. We assure you that the following pointers will assist you in keeping your eco-friendly partner healthy and strong.

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