Are Bats Good or Bad to Have Around?



Bats can seem scary and if you find one sleeping in your home or spot one swooping around at dusk, you may be wondering if they are creatures that are good or bad to have around. The answer depends. Bats are interesting animals and they can be helpful, but sometimes they cause problems too. Here we will look at some of the good and bad sides of bats as well as when to get help if bats are or become a problem.

The Good Side of Bats

Bats do many good things. One of the best things is that bats eat harmful or pesty insects. Just one bat will eat thousands of insects in one night. This means there will be fewer mosquitoes and other bugs that can bother people and damage gardens and crops. Farmers like bats because they help control pests without needing as many pesticides. But bats also help eat populations of insects that could potentially carry diseases. For example, mosquitoes can carry diseases like West Nile virus and malaria. By eating large quantities of mosquitoes, bats help reduce the risk of these diseases spreading. This makes bats helpful not just for farmers but for everyone.

Bats also help plants. When bats eat fruit, they spread the seeds in their droppings. This helps propagate new plant growth. Some bats also help by pollinating flowers, just like bees do. Pollination like this is vital for many kinds of plants and flowers to grow and produce fruit.

Bats are also fascinating animals to study and learn about. Bats use a special way of finding their way flying around called echolocation. With echolocation bats make a high, inaudible-to-human sound that bounces off objects, helping them “see” with their ears. This unique ability of echolocation allows them to navigate and hunt in complete darkness. Learning about how bats live and hunt can be very fascinating and even fun and can help people appreciate these commonly misunderstood creatures better.

The Risk of Rabies

One of the biggest potential worries about bats is the risk of rabies. Rabies is a serious disease that can be passed to people through a bite or scratch of an infected animal, and bats are one of the animals that can carry rabies and infect other animals and people. However, not all bats have rabies. While only a small number of bats carry the disease, it’s still really important to be careful. If a bat is acting strangely, like being out during the day or not flying well, it might be sick. It’s best to avoid touching bats and to keep pets away from them. If a bat does bite or scratch someone or an animal like a pet, or if there’s any contact with a bat, it’s important to see a doctor right away. The doctor might suggest getting a rabies shot just to be safe. Once symptoms of rabies start in a person or pet, there is no cure and it is virtually 100% fatal. 

Other Risks from Bats

Besides rabies, there are a few other risks to think about when it comes to bats. Bat droppings, also called guano, can sometimes carry a fungus that causes a disease called histoplasmosis. This disease can affect the lungs and respiratory system and make people sick, especially if they breathe in dust from dried bat droppings. It’s more of a risk if there are a lot of bats in one place, like in an attic. There is also an increased risk for the elderly, children, and people with compromised immune systems. 

Bats can also be noisy and make a mess if they get inside a house. They might squeeze into small spaces and be hard to get rid of. Bat colonies can grow fast and can very quickly cause issues with their strong and unpleasant smell due to their large amounts of droppings and urine. Not only is this very unpleasant, but it might also cause significant damage to a building over time.

When to Get Help to Remove Bats

Sometimes, having bats around can be more trouble than it’s worth. If bats are living in a house or building, it might be time to get some help. Bats can get into attics, walls, or other parts of a building through holes, cracks, exposed vents, and open windows. If there are signs of bats, like droppings or noises, it’s a good idea to call a professional. Experts like Adams Animal Bat Removal & Wildlife Control can safely remove bats and make sure they don’t come back. Professionals will not only know how to get rid of your bat problems but will seal up any holes or cracks where bats might get in again in the future. Remember, in many places, bats are protected by law, so it’s important to use a professional service that knows how to handle them safely and is certified to do so legally.

How to Keep Bats Away

There are some simple ways to make a home less inviting to bats if you want to keep them away in the future. To begin with, keep your house’s windows and doors closed or screened as much as possible. You can also check for any cracks or small openings and seal them up. Bats can fit through very small spaces, so it’s important to be thorough. Outside lights can also keep bats away. Bats like dark places, so bright lights around a house can make them less likely to come near. Another trick is to hang up shiny objects, like strips of aluminum foil or old CDs. The light reflecting off these can scare bats away.


Bats can be both good and bad to have around. They help control insect populations and can be beneficial for the environment, but, they can also carry diseases and cause problems if they get inside a house. It’s important to know the risks and to take steps to avoid problems. If bats do become an issue, it’s best to call a professional wildlife removal service to handle the situation safely. Understanding both the pros and cons of having bats around can help you make the best decision for each situation. 

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