Are Painters and Decorators in Demand


Decorators in Demand

With more and more homeowners opting to complete DIY projects as a method to make home improvements, it must be asked – are professional painters and decorators still in demand? Whilst the experience of a professional comes second to none, it is hard to justify spending money on professional painting and decorating when you can purchase the tools and equipment yourself. Plus there is so much content now readily available online, it is no wonder people are making the decision to complete home improvements themselves.

Whilst it doesn’t take too much experience to complete tasks such as painting and hanging pictures, there are a number of tasks that do require a certain level of skill and experience. For example, you may opt to try plastering your home yourself, but the equipment and materials are costly, and there is a high probability that you could make mistakes that are extremely costly. Once you start to make mistakes, stress can affect your mindset.

Further, you may try wallpapering yourself. Now this is something worth trying as a DIY project if you’re confident. However, it is something that is easy to get wrong.

Use A Professional For Harder Tasks Such As Painting High Walls

Use A Professional For Harder Tasks Such As Painting High Walls
Most people will go to a professional when the interior or exterior decorating is somewhat more difficult to complete yourself. It goes without saying that if you have high walls that include stairs, it can be very intimidating to climb a ladder and paint. With this in mind, it must be said that professional decorators are very relevant and there is still a demand for their skills.

DIY experts tend to be in greater demand for those that have not got the capability to complete the tasks themselves. This can include elderly homeowners. They are also in demand for those that do not have the time to complete DIY projects themselves.

Painter and Decorator Shortage in Great Britain

Demand for painters and decorators fluctuates. For example, in Great Britain, there is a huge demand for painters and decorators because there is a housing shortage at the same time as there has been a decline in the number of tradesmen such as painters and decorators.

Based on the fact that there are less people choosing to become tradesmen such as painters and decorators, it would be easy to think that there is less demand which is why men and women are opting for other career choices rather than those that are in trades.

Higher expectations for Professional Painters and Decorators

It is clear that there is still a demand for painters and decorators, however, there is far more pressure on painters and decorators in the 21st century. With the internet now allowing customers to see reviews and comments from other customers, painters and decorators must make extra efforts to establish themselves as a painting and decorating service you can trust.
Higher expectations for Professional Painters and Decorators
With this added pressure to establish themselves as being trustworthy, there is a shift towards content being added online that guides users on how to complete DIY projects. By simply adding this type of content, the demand lessens as it is far easier to learn how to complete tasks than it was around 30-40 years ago.

In Summary

In summary, there is still a demand for painters and decorators – as can be seen in the UK where there is a shortage of skilled tradesmen. However, it is ever more apparent that homeowners are opting to try new projects themselves. Whilst there is a clear benefit to completing DIY tasks yourself including cost savings and the gratification you gain from doing the job yourself, please consider your own safety before trying projects that are too hard. There will always be a demand for skilled painters and decorators, but over the years, the demand for painters and decorators to complete smaller tasks such as painting and wallpapering will most likely continue to decline.

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