Four Most Common Plumbing Services


Plumbing Tools, Pipe And Fixings On A Rustic Wooden Background.

It is important to keep your plumbing well maintained to prevent any minor issues from getting out of hand and transforming into much larger, costlier problems. It doesn’t take long for a small crack, for instance, to turn into a gaping hole in your pipe that even more water can escape from. 

This is why the four plumbing services that are detailed in this article are so commonly carried out by both professional plumbers and homeowners—maintenance is key to keeping the pipes, water heater, and sewer all in good condition. 

Read on to learn about each plumbing service that is utilized often, and use this knowledge to figure out when you might need to tackle an issue with your plumbing.

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1. Water Heater Repairs

When you start to notice that your showers are no longer getting as hot as you would like, or if you lose your hot water not long after you begin showering or letting it run from a faucet, your water heater might be in need of repair. 

Another sign your water heater needs to be checked out is if you notice that your water smells a little odd.

This is an issue many homeowners face at some point. If you attempt to repair your water heater on your own, make sure you turn off the power to the water heater first, which you can do on the circuit breaker. Otherwise, a plumber should easily be able to assist you with repairs.

2. Leaky Pipe Repairs

One of the most common issues involving plumbing is leaky pipes. One indicator that your pipes are leaking is a higher water bill. If you notice the numbers seem off, make sure to look over your pipes for a leak, or call a professional to examine them.

Two more obvious signs you have leaking pipes is hearing water dripping or noticing a puddle of water underneath pipes. 

If you suspect your pipes are leaking, you should get this problem solved as soon as possible. The longer you wait to have your pipes repaired, the worse the damage to the pipes and surrounding areas will get. 

Also, the more time that goes by without addressing the issue, the more money you will waste on your water bill.

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3. Sewer Stoppage Cleaning

The signs that you need a sewer cleaning are very noticeable. One clear indicator is a foul stench. Two other obvious signs include having trouble with water drainage and gurgling types of sounds.

With a shallow clog in a drain, you can typically unclog it with simple but effective techniques. However, there are times when the clog is all the way down in the sewer. In this case, you need to clean out the sewer stoppage, which can require a plumber.

4. Drainage Services

If you have general issues with drainage, such as needing to regularly unclog your drains, then you might need a professional to visit your home to inspect your plumbing and figure out what might be the cause for your issues.

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