How Clean is Your Bathroom? 7 Tips for Perfect Hygiene


Clean Is Your Bathroom

If you’re not a fan of hiring professional cleaning services, that means that you do everything in your home that’s related to the hygiene and sanitation of your environment. A particular place where bacteria like to gather by the horde is the bathroom. That’s where you need to put more elbow grease to ensure that the space used by the entire family is completely spotless.

1. Start with the shower

One primary rule of cleaning the bathroom is to start with the shower. The shower head is one place where the lime buildup from the water that goes through the nozzle feels itself at home. Make a vinegar solution and submerge the shower head in it, overnight even, in case the situation is dire.
Take the shower curtains and give them a wash in your washing machine. Throw in some old towels so that all the grime is properly scrubbed up from their surface. Clean the walls thoroughly, too, and don’t let one corner uncovered.

2. Deal with dirty grout

One thing that any bathroom suffers from at one point or another is dirty grout. Pick a bleaching solution and rub the grime out with a brush. Make sure to ventilate the room properly. In case you don’t like dealing with dirty grout all the time, consider sealing it once every six months.

3. Clean the tiles

Bathrooms are designed to keep clean a longer time than other areas, and also to be easy to maintain. When cleaning the tiles, use an all-purpose cleaner and plenty of water. Lastly, use a cloth to wipe everything, as water stains may ruin all your hard work.

4. Make sure the sink is unclogged

Bacteria don’t just like around on tiles and other areas. More often than not, they thrive deep within your pipes. That’s why you need to unclog often, using an interesting product like an endoscope to detect any such problems. Treat the pipes with an unclogging bacterial solution for maintenance.

5. Get the toilet bowl to sparkle

Stains from waste are not the only problem toilet bowls have, and you need to put in some serious work if you want to make sure that this area of the bathroom is entirely germ-free. First, pour a cup of baking soda into the toilet and flush. Most of the stains will disappear.
A woman cleans a bathroom toilet with a scrub brush
In case you notice that some persist, here is a solution to try. A pumice stone is hard enough to deal with the lime buildup, and it won’t leave unsightly scratches on the bowl. Don’t forget about the toilet brush. This one needs sanitizing, too, or you’ll end up harboring bacteria in an otherwise clean bathroom. Douse the bristles with bleach, and rinse it thoroughly.

6. Replace and wash the hand towels

Towels get dirty quickly, and that’s why you need to have the proper routine for them. For starters, you need to replace them once every several days. When you wash them, use the sanitizing program on your washing machine. In case yours doesn’t have such a program, make sure to use bleach, as it is the surest way to kill all the bacteria that might live in the fibers.

7. Clean the bathroom fan, too

The devil lies in the details, and that’s all the truer when it comes to cleaning. Don’t forget about the bathroom fan when you run your cleaning routine. Turn off the circuit breaker and remove the fan to wash its blades. Vacuum the dust accumulated on the fan and make sure that it is spotless and dry when you put it back.

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