How Interior Design Increases Your Property Value


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Preparing your home for sale may be a daunting process, but it doesn’t have to be! An interior design makeover can help you sell it and get top dollar in the process if done right. With simple yet intuitive ideas and high-quality workmanship, it is possible to introduce a great look to your home, one that would make it irresistible to a potential buyer.

You don’t have to break the bank to spruce up your home. Simple materials like marble, wood and even glass can help you make a statement. You just need to know what buyers are looking for, and where to source for it. An interior designer can help with this; they don’t just decorate. Check out these amazing buyer-centric interior design ideas.

Upgrade Your Bathrooms and Kitchens

More often than not, the bathroom and kitchen are two rooms in a home that have the biggest effect on sale price. Most realtors and professional home-stagers will tell you that these are the rooms people see first, and remain at the top of their minds. So if you’re keen on selling your home now, pay extra attention to these areas.

Bathroom Updates

You don’t have to take on a complete remodeling project. Small improvements such as swapping the tiles or re-grouting your bathroom can change buyers’ perception about your home. You can even consider removing the old wallpaper and replacing it with a new one for a gorgeous new look that compliments the architectural design of your bathroom.

A complete revamp wouldn’t hurt either. Elevating your bathroom to the level of modern hotels has the potential to improve the quality, likability, and even value of your home. Consider a spa-like bathroom with state-of-the-art bath-tubs, shower cubicles and shower heads. Don’t forget to add onto the lighting elements as well.

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Kitchen Updates

You can never go wrong with a kitchen upgrade. Replace kitchen cabinets with drawers, or better yet, install pull-outs inside your cupboard, for the simple reason that cupboards can’t store as many items as pull-outs or drawers can. Whether you decide to go for cabinets, drawers or pull-outs, make sure they are smooth, streamlined and have a modern look. Replace the large handles with slim and sleek ones. These will give your cabinets a minimal and modern look and make the kitchen appear larger.

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For better lighting, incorporate shiny and reflective materials. Glass and mirrors help create an illusion of space. A white design can also help with this. Use different shades and textures. Glossy and woody textures, matte, eggshell, off-white and grey are a few options that can help. Any experienced designer will tell you that white reflects light, making your space look larger and more attractive.

Update Your Door Hardware

Make sure your door hardware is updated and matches the architecture of your home. Uniform hardware makes prospective buyers feel that your home is more finished.

Door Knobs and Handles

Door knobs and handles are small things which are often overlooked amid major items such as paint colors and cabinets when decorating a room. However, they can make a huge difference in your space and potentially increase your home’s resale value. Just as a nice necklace can turn a simple outfit into an exquisite piece of fashion, a new set of door knobs on your doors can inject a dose of style into your home with minimal expense. Be sure to match the door knobs to your internal doors.

Front Door Upgrade

Does your front door look a little drab? We’ll share with you a secret to making a good first impression to a potential buyer using your door. Fill holes on your front door using epoxy putty, sand it once it’s dry and cover the door with a complimentary coat of paint. replace the traditional style door knocker with a more modern one with a beautiful look, preferably one that can be monogrammed.

If your entry door is beyond repair, you can install a new one. According to Remodeling Magazine, front door replacement has an average ROI of about 74.9%. That means with a new entry door you can add three quarters of its replacement cost back to the value of your home.

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Work on Lighting

We can’t overemphasize the importance of lighting. What is the importance of making all these upgrades to your piece of real estate when they cannot be properly seen? Proper lighting can enhance the look of your home’s interior and influence its feel.

In real estate, consumers are willing to pay more for space. Since you may not be in a position to reconstruct your home to add more space, what better way exists than to make your space look and feel bigger than using brighter light? The color of your light also determines the mood of your home. For instance, a yellow tone can make your space feel cozier and warmer. This is ideal for the bathroom.

When it comes to lighting, natural light is especially desirable. Adding extra glazing to your windows will allow more light into your spaces. Another increasingly popular interior design style is the installation of sun tubes that funnel natural light into your home through your ceiling. Oh, another more simplistic way of using natural light to brighten rooms is to strategically erect mirrors on your walls.

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In Conclusion

Simple updates to your home have the potential of making it look great and desirable, attracting potential buyers in large numbers. Think of the simple things that would attract you to a home if you were scouting for one—a modern kitchen with enough storage space, beautiful modern hardware such as door knobs, a bathroom with exquisite fittings, and good lighting.

Just to recap, here’s what you need to focus on;

  • Bathroom and kitchen updates. No homebuyer ever overlooks these areas.
  • Door knobs, door handles and the entry door.
  • Invest in lighting.

Do these and watch your bargaining power increase as potential home buyers trickle in with a view to making your home their next home.

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