Whether you’re overhauling an existing bathroom or doing one from the very start, figuring out how to layout the bathroom is among the most crucial steps of the process. Some elements are going to be quite limited, such as pipe locations and utility connections; however, quite a bit will have broad freedom of choice for you. There’s quite a bit you need to consider, and doing things right can make or break your room. You might wind up with a bathroom that makes you claustrophobic, but you also might create a bathroom that is warm and inviting. The right bathroom starts off your day well, since you don’t want your mornings filled with complications. If you are after an easier (but also cooler) bathroom though then you might be interested in getting something like Japanese toilets. However, they will certainly help you have a better experience in your bathroom. Keep reading to learn how to figure out great bathroom layouts so you can maximize the potential of the room.
1) The Toilet Tops All:
You should identify the toilet position first and foremost, and let the rest fall into place after that. Unfortunately, your toilet positioning might be settled for you just based on specifically where your soil pipe goes into your bathroom. Of course, you might not have to accept that positioning, but it does need an easy connection to the soil pipe. Also factor in where and how the door opens as you pick your toilet position. Whenever possible, putting right in the direct view of the door isn’t something you want.
Factor in your flooring too if you can. For instance, if you put in something like underfloor heating or a waterproofed floor to create a wet room, then odds are that any bolts which secure the toilet base are going to complicate any waterproofing or interfere with your pipes. Sometimes, a wall-mounted toilet is easier to pull off than a floor-mounted option.
2) Map Things Out:
You don’t have room for mistakes in a bathroom, which is a luxury most living rooms or bedrooms provide you. While those rooms can be rearranged as you see fit, once a toilet or shower is put in, it’s staying there for years, perhaps decades. It’s useful to get a pencil and graph paper to create a scale outline of your future bathroom. That makes things much easier in terms of working out where all the features and fixtures will get placed and how big your walk-in or tub might be. It might even determine if you have a shower and a bath, a combo shower/bath, or just a standalone shower. You might dream of a bathroom with two sinks, a toilet, bidet, enclosed shower, and a bath, but even if you have room, you might realize that such a layout is going to get crowded quickly. A lot of people find a quadrant shower enclosure is a great idea if you need to be wary of space – check out more details about this on the showerenclosuresuk.com blog. If you want to make the most of a small bathroom, this step can prove invaluable.
3) Enough Space:
In terms of space, you might start with your primary fixtures, but that’s not all to consider. You need breathing room around each of them as well. A cramped bathroom gets damp, steamy, and even possibly a falling hazard. It’s not enough for a shower cubicle to be big enough in terms of height, as you also need enough width to wash easily and bend over or twist when necessary. You also just need enough space to dry off and either get dressed or undressed.
4) Natural Elements:
If it’s possible, a bathroom window is very useful. Natural light makes most rooms better, and you’ll also have a way to get rid of moisture potentially. If you can shower with an open window, you can prevent your bathroom from having mold and damp conditions. Selecting the right kind of glass is critical though, as you don’t want to give anyone outside a view in. Blinds, decorated glass, and frosted panes all prove useful privacy options.
5) Separate Your Wet And Dry Zones:
Regardless of whether you’re creating a traditional bathroom or a full wet room, it’s smart to create different zones across the layout. When you step out of the shower, you shouldn’t face a wet floor that needs crossing before drying off or combing your hair. Also, soggy socks are never fun.
6) Crammed Corners:
If your bathroom has a sloped ceiling, that’s a good spot for your bath. Just make sure you can stand up all the way at one end if there’s an over-bath shower head.