How to Follow in the Real Estate Footsteps of Michele Tecchia


Real Estate

Becoming a successful real estate expert isn’t easy. You will need an in-depth understanding of the market and must adopt effective techniques and strategies for finding properties, securing clients, and selling homes. 

Michele Tecchia has spent nearly the last ten years mastering real estate markets in the UK, France, and Monaco. He has worked in every real estate area imaginable, from working with sellers and real estate investors to dealing with short sales and foreclosures.

If you are eager to step into the market, you would be wise to learn from his career in order to enjoy much success in the industry. Don’t make mistakes. Find out here how to follow in the real estate footsteps of Michele Tecchia.

Research the Real Estate Market

Michele Tecchia would be the first to tell you to know the market like the back of your hand to enjoy real estate success. Extensive research and understanding of the field will help you gain an insight into the local competition, anticipate a client’s needs, and find comparable properties in a neighborhood. Also, keep your finger on the pulse about emerging property developments and renovations to identify potential real estate opportunities.

Think Like Your Clients

In addition to having a firm understanding of the real estate market, Michele Tecchia makes it his mission to get to know his clients—and you must do the same. Learning about a client’s wants and needs, understanding their personality, and listening to their concerns could help you put yourself in their shoes. As a result, you can anticipate problems before they arise, provide answers to their questions before they ask, and find properties to suit their lifestyle, budget, and needs.

Satisfy every client you secure by working closely with them and listening to their property desires or worries. It will create a smooth, successful professional relationship, and they will be more likely to reach out to you when selling their home or investing in additional properties.

Build a Strong Online Presence

Michele Tecchia is a firm believer in developing a rock-solid online presence for growing a real estate brand. It is a tactic that has played a part in his industry successes in France, Monaco, and the UK.

Improved visibility will help clients find your services, learn about your industry experience, and find different ways to contact you. Become a force in your field by developing a strong social media presence, publishing an interesting blog, and taking advantage of email marketing. 

The above platforms could help you advertise your services, promote listings, share your expertise, promote client testimonials, build brand awareness, and convince a property buyer or seller to give you a call.

Grow a Strong Network

It doesn’t matter if you have extensive industry knowledge or not; most real estate experts depend on an extensive network of people on a daily basis. Form relationships by building genuine rapports, networking like a pro, and helping people in your field.

Also, hire professionals with various skills and experiences to find clients, market your business, and improve communications. Remember, the more connections you make throughout your career, the more referrals you’ll receive, and the more help you can rely on when a problem arises.

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Offer Value-for-Money Advice

Some clients might feel reluctant to move forward with a property purchase for one or more reasons. To enjoy success in the market, you must make it your mission to get to the root cause of their hesitation and solve their problems.

For example, they might find it easier to avoid making a purchase altogether instead of buying right now. It is your job to convey why inaction might be unwise, such as missing out on a good property. 

Finding out what’s standing in a client’s way could help you ease any concerns they have and provide them with the confidence to move forward. Your value-for-money advice may lead to a client securing the best property at the right time while also supporting your successful career; it is a win-win.

Prioritize Your Time

The more time you spend in the real estate industry, the more you’ll learn how to prioritize your time. There is no point attempting to ring a person multiple times an hour if they’re not picking up the phone. It is a waste of your time, energy, and motivation. 

Make it your mission to become more organized to make better use of your time each day. Don’t waste your valuable minutes on low-quality leads, and steer away from tasks or properties that will provide little return on your investment.

Adopt the Right Attitude

Attitude is everything in real estate. According to Michele Tecchia, “the level of your success depends on the levels of responsibility, passion, and perseverance you have.” If you don’t love the industry or have the ability to recover from a setback, you will struggle to flourish in the field. You’ll need to wake up every day feeling motivated to fulfill your clients’ needs, overcome problems, and grow your revenue.

Practice Self-Care Often

Michele Tecchia is an advocate for practicing self-care. In addition to entering the fantastic real estate market, he returned to work in his home country of Monaco to spend more quality time with his loved ones. 

Thanks to his success in the market, he has the luxury of splitting his time between growing his real estate empire and pursuing passions and hobbies with his nearest and dearest. The improved work–life balance makes him feel less stressed, more energetic, and more passionate to help his clients find their dream homes.

While budding real estate agents might not have the luxury of time or the inclination to split their days between family and work, they must practice self-care often to support their physical and mental health.

For example, a healthy diet and an active lifestyle will support focus and motivation each day. Also, meditation, reading, and enjoying a stroll through a green space will keep the brain engaged and reduce stress levels. Caring for yourself will allow you to care for your business.

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