Your property should be a safe and private retreat you can call your own. You constantly devote yourself to maintain, improve and build upon it after all. Yet as nature may have its own plans sometimes, wildlife can break into your home and stir up an upheaval.
When pests do break into your space, it can put to waste all the hard work you’ve put into your beautiful home. Apart from possibly costing you thousands of dollars in damages, certain pests can even pose a direct threat to your safety and your family’s. Prevention is always the best remedy; below are some crucial tips you can use to keep problematic wildlife off your property.
- Seal Off All Possible Entryways
Correctly identifying possible ways of entry and quickly sealing them off can allow you to deny wildlife entry to your property from the get go. There are numerous ways you can enclose your space to prevent critters from going into your crawlspace. Fencing is one of the most common methods of doing so. Vinyl, chain-link and wrought-iron and wood fencing are among the best materials to choose from.
You can also block certain holes in your home with industry standard seals that can prevent pests from sneaking in. Overall, ensuring that your area is properly and thoroughly enclosed can make it impossible for problem wildlife to enter and cause you problems in the first place.
- Consider Help From A Professional
Professionals are able to directly and effectively avert the likelihood of pests coming into your home. They are well equipped to examine all possible entry points and seal them off accordingly. You also have endless expertise options to fall back on, should the typical wildlife prevention methods you do falls through.
As such if certain pests have become destructive that your DIY remedies can no longer handle them, or you simply do not want to go through the whole ordeal of wildlife prevention, consider bringing in adept experts like

- Make Use Of Repellants
Repellants are chemically engineered to ward off pests. They are also easily accessible and can be store-bought from your local grocery. They come in a variety of forms you can choose from. From sprays that can make your plants appalling to eat, to certain animal products that can induce fear, to various trappings you can place around your home.
You can also use certain common household items to deter pests. Overall, repellants can prove to be a quick and easy way to prevent problem wildlife from entering your home.
- Clear Up Stagnant Water
Stagnant water is a possible breeding ground that attracts pests to live and reproduce in. It is thus crucial that you clear all possible standing water points in your home. Many nooks, crevices and gutters may have become stagnant water sources without you knowing. Listed below are other possible stagnant water sources your space can have and you may want to check out.
- Neglected pots, bins, containers that can accumulate water
- Small bodies of water within your property’s means
- Certain plants, tree stumps, leaf sheaths and various bushes and shrubs that haven’t been tended to
- Holes in the ground
- Cracks in your house
- Overwatered spots in your garden that have damaged your subsoil
- Clogged Drains
- Yard Debris
- Your Fireplace or other openings in your home you can easily neglect
- Maintain Outdoor Cleanliness Too
Wildlife will often scuffle around your area in the hopes of finding anything to feast on. Regularly cleaning just the inside of your home is not enough to shake off their interest. It would do you well to also ensure that the vicinity of your entire home is spotless on the outside to prevent attracting pests.
Properly disposing of your garbage, especially your food waste, can help dramatically impede the entry of pests into your home. Fruits or fresh produce grown on your property naturally attract critters too. Having a thorough harvesting system helps fend off the ever-hungry pests.
Simply keeping wildlife off your property in the first place can save you a great deal of trouble. This not only lets you bolster your space’s security but it also ensures that the only guests that come to visit you are the invited ones.
Wildlife can’t only damage your property; they can also be carriers of nefarious diseases and can be rabid. Overall, they may pose a threat to your well-being as well as your loved ones. Keeping in mind the points mentioned above can help keep you, your property and family safe from problem wildlife.