Is It Feasible To Design Your Own House To Build?


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Building your own house isn’t just possible, it’s an attractive option to many people as it allows you to design the layout of your home and create a forever home. Best of all, if you stick to a budget it is possible to build a home for less than it costs to buy one pre-built. 

Design Versus Build

It should be noted that designing your own home is not the same as building one. If you decide that you want to build a home then you’re going to need to complete an owner-builder course. This ensures you have the skills needed to complete the project properly.

The course allows you to supervise contractors, manage materials, understand the necessary council approvals, and ensure the work environment is safe at all times. 

In contrast, you can design a home by yourself with no experience. However, if you do this it is likely that builders won’t accept it as all the structural calculations will not have been done.

That’s why, whether you’re looking for dual occupancy homes or something simpler, it is best to speak to the experts. They have the tools and the knowledge to create something special and to ensure it can work in the real world. 

Don’t forget that the design experts have experience regarding what does and doesn’t work in a house. They can guide you to ensure you don’t forget anything and get the house that you really want. It’s surprising how easy it is to miss a room or even forget to separate specific rooms.

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Prior To Your Design Meeting

Before you head to meet your designers and discuss your ideal build, you should spend some time thinking about what you want. It’s easy to get carried away by the designers, they will have some great ideas. 

However, only you know what will really work for you and your family. That means thinking about how many bedrooms and bathrooms you need, whether one living area is enough, how your house will work if two couples are living there, and what will work best for you.

You’ll then be able to tell the designers what you need and make sure the new build has everything that it should. 

Remember, having detailed plans won’t just make it easier to get the relevant planning permissions. It will help to ensure that all parties know what is expected and what they need to do. Working from a detailed design plan makes it easier for all parties involved to know their role. 


It can take 4-6 weeks to get the necessary approvals for your build and, prior to that, you will need to allow them time to find a plot and work out the necessary design details. Alongside this, a build can take 3-6 months. 

In short, if you are planning to create your own home take your time and be aware that it’s a slow process. But, the end result will be worthwhile.

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