Eventually, you may notice issues with your roof. You may notice broken or worn shingles. There may be points of water damage. And depending on the material used in your roof, you could eventually see it crumble to pieces.
As someone who isn’t a roofing expert, you may not know what the right move is. Should you repair the damage that’s been done? Or should you go ahead and replace the entire roof?
Why Talking to a Pro Is the Best Move
Your absolute best option in this scenario is to talk to a roofing professional. A roofing professional can fully inspect your roof, identifying not only the points of damage you’ve noticed, but also any points of damage you haven’t noticed. They can diagnose the issues, determine the full scope of what you’re dealing with, and ultimately present you with a recommendation for how to proceed. Depending on what they find, they may recommend simply repairing what’s been damaged or replacing the entire roof.
If you aren’t sure about this contractor’s recommendations, you can always get a second opinion. Between multiple roofing experts, you should be able to get a clear picture of what’s going on with your roof and the best course of action to proceed.
When Repairing Is Right
Under these circumstances, a repair is probably the right move:
The issue is minor. A single broken or loose shingle isn’t a reason to replace your entire roof. As an amateur, you may not have a full understanding of which issues count as minor and which ones count as major, but in some situations, you can use your intuition. Sometimes, a simple patch job is all that’s needed, and it’s relatively quick and inexpensive.
The roof is relatively new. If the roof is relatively new, it probably doesn’t need a full replacement. Roofs deteriorate over time, so if you’ve only had your roof for a few years, it’s very unlikely that it’s sustained enough damage to require replacing.
You’re on a strict budget. Replacing an entire roof can cost between $5,000 and $13,000, with some types of roofs costing even more. If you’re on a strict budget and you can’t afford to replace your entire roof, you might opt for a repair to buy yourself some time. Just keep in mind that in many circumstances, your insurance policy will cover much of the costs associated with roof replacement.

When Replacing Is Right
However, under these circumstances, you’re usually better off replacing the roof:
The roof is old. If your roof is very old, it’s probably going to suffer from significantly more issues in the future. Roofs naturally become less reliable over time, so if you’ve already had more than a decade with this roof, it might be time to replace it. Not only will this fix any current issues you’re facing, but it will also prevent more issues from arising in the future.
Water damage has penetrated the roof. Water damage can be nasty to deal with, and it isn’t something a quick repair can alleviate. If you notice that water damage has penetrated the roof, it might be wise to tear it up, fix the damage, and install a new roof.
You notice sagging. A sagging roof is typically a sign that the roof needs to be fully replaced. It’s often indicative of deeper underlying issues that can’t be addressed with a simple repair.
There are deep mold or fungi problems. Similarly, if there are mold or fungi issues with your roof, you won’t be able to mitigate them with a fast repair. Instead, replacement may be preferable.
Wear and tear is everywhere. If the problem isn’t isolated, a roof replacement becomes much more attractive. If you notice broken or worn shingles all over the roof, a single repair isn’t going to fix your problem.
Repairing would only delay the inevitable. If this repair is only meant to buy time, and you know you need to replace the roof soon, you might as well replace the roof now and save yourself some hassle.
Installing the Right Roof
There are many types of roofing materials and installation methods to consider. If you decide to fully replace your roof, make sure you consider these options carefully. Together with your roofing contractor, you can select something within your budget that is capable of protecting your building.
A roof is one of the most important parts of your building, serving as the ultimate form of protection against the elements. If you notice anything wrong with your roof, it’s important to call a roofing contractor as soon as possible, so they can help you diagnose the issue and determine the best way to move forward.