Moving To A Previously Vacant Home? Here Are 4 Must-Do Things



When you’re moving into a home that has been vacant for some time, there are a few things you need to do to make it feel like home. You’ll want to clean every nook and cranny, bring in your personal belongings and make the space feel like your own. Here are four must-do things when moving into a previously vacant home!

Clean The Property Thoroughly

For you to make a home smell like home, it has to be clean! To do this, you should often steam clean or shampoo carpets and air out the space by opening windows. You’ll need to vacuum every crevice and clean every surface. Sweep and mop hardwood floors as well as tile floors. You can also hire great rental cleaning services and get better results. The cabinets can also be dusted with a microfiber towel using a mixture of warm water and vinegar. This will help remove any odors that have been left behind by previous tenants. In addition to the cabinets, wipe down appliances as dust tends to accumulate on them fairly quickly.

Get Rid Of The Odor In The Home

When moving into a previously vacant home, those pesky odors can be very hard to get rid of. Sometimes, the previous tenants may have spilled something that left behind an odor you can’t get rid of no matter how many times you scrub or wipe it down. Luckily, there are ways to remove these odors without spending too much money on cleaners. If possible, open up all of the windows in your new home once you’ve moved in some furniture and other items. 

This will help ventilate the property so the mustiness can evaporate more easily. You can also run air fresheners through your ventilation system for a more filtered scent than placing them directly in rooms throughout the house. Once this is done, place bowls of white vinegar around each room to absorb any remaining odors. You can also place charcoal briquettes in bowls and allow them to sit for a few hours. This will help remove odors as well!

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Organize & Unpack As Soon As You Can

One of the worst feelings is moving into a home where you have to step over boxes full of junk, so do yourself a favor and unpack items as soon as they arrive. Organizing your personal belongings will not only make the house look bigger but it’ll feel more like home. You’ll want to put together any IKEA furniture first, then anything that may need assembly should be done next. Boxes can be unpacked however they come – each room’s box should be tackled one at a time starting with the living room.

Place Your Personal Belongings Around The House

Now that you’ve unboxed boxes of your belongings, place them around the house to make it feel like home! Placing pictures of friends and family on desks or shelves will give off a friendly vibe throughout the space. You can also place plants around the house as this will brighten up any room and bring life into it. 

While moving into a previously vacant home may be stressful at first, these four steps should help remove stress from the equation completely! Moving into a new home is always special, but if you’re wondering how to move heavy furniture, hiring professional movers might be worth considering.

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