The most compelling synonym for “persuasive” is probably “convincing.” When a person is convincing, they can influence other people’s actions, opinions, and beliefs. Being convincing involves employing logical reasoning and evidence to present a compelling assertion on a specific topic. And as a persuasive communicator, you aim to steer your readers towards a particular stance and motivate them to take a certain course of action. It is an ability that involves connecting with the target readers on an emotional level while appealing to their intellect, values, and judgment.
You have to do more than have a good argument or perspective to sway the audience. You have to create believability and make the readers trust you. You can achieve this by anticipating their concerns and needs, then addressing them to align with their interests, beliefs, or values.
Examples of Convincing Communicators
On an average day, we might meet many people, but most of them don’t leave a lasting impact on our memories. The few that do are those who managed to impress us with their words or actions. These people speak with conviction when talking about their ideas and beliefs. Such an individual knows how to articulate their words and connect with others.
They also understand their impact on others and will embrace it to be influential figures. People who know how to be compelling with their words are often effective leaders, marketers, salespeople, lawyers, and advocates for various causes. The skill helps them inspire others to see things as they do and encourage them to make informed decisions. It is a capability you can detect among many politicians, serving them well.
Becoming Skillful in Persuasive Writing
Persuasive writing aims to convince the reader to see something from your perspective. So your chosen words should sway an audience on a specific subject to inspire change in people or encourage them to take some action. Writing with an intention to persuade is applicable in many works, including:
- Advertisements
- Essays
- Reviews
- Speeches
- Newspaper editorials
- Songs and poems
- Social media posts
From the above list, you’ve probably realized that you daily encounter different forms of writing that aim to sway an audience. These pieces of writing all have a purpose, to encourage you to purchase an item, take a particular action, or influence your perception of a subject. By default, persuasive writing is biased and often favors one side of an issue rather than exploring both.
Persuasion in Academic Writing
Composing a piece that aims to persuade helps you share your ideas and express your sentiments in a way that will influence many people. In academic writing, especially essays, being convincing earns you better scores, making you a better student. The problem is persuasion does not come automatically. It is a capability students have to develop through reading and practice, and one of the reasons why some wonder, “Who will do my essay?”
Some of the papers where you might need to be persuasive include:
- Argumentative essays: require you to take a stance on a topic and defend it with evidence and logic. You will also have to address the counterarguments and explain why your stance is stronger.
- Persuasive essays: like argumentative essays, your main aim is to convince the reader to adopt your viewpoint on a subject. You might have to appeal to the reader’s values, emotions, and beliefs to make your case.
- Position papers: you take a position on an issue and argue for its merits. It might be a policy, a course of action, or a solution to a specific problem.
- Research papers: while most research papers are evidence-based, some will benefit from a persuasive stance when interpreting data to support an argument.
In all these papers, you have to present well-developed arguments backed by evidence, examples, and reasoning. Persuasion plays a big role in constructing arguments and addressing counterarguments and can improve the quality of Your Paper.
Tips on How to Be More Persuasive in Writing
How do you become more convincing in your writing? Here are some expert tips that should make you a more effective writer.
Consider Your Audience
Who is the essay or paper for? What do they care about? Can you identify some of their beliefs? How can you appeal to their interests, emotions, and values? These questions will give you a better understanding of your audience, which you can leverage to create a great paper.
Determine the Purpose of Your Writing
Do you have a specific goal in mind? What are you trying to achieve with your paper? Are you trying to get the point across or make them see something from a different perspective? Understanding the purpose makes it easier to create a compelling piece.
Use Evidence
Your claims cannot be from mere speculation. You need facts, statistics, and examples to support your arguments. Examples and evidence will give your paper credibility and convince your readers of your stance easier. Conduct proper research to gather evidence and use reliable sources to appeal to logical readers.
Appeal to Their Emotions
Humanize your writing by trying to connect with your readers emotionally. You can achieve this through personal anecdotes or by telling a story that establishes an emotional connection with your readers.
Use Persuasive Language
Persuasive language refers to emotive and powerful language that aims to trigger an emotional response from the audience. Use rhetorical devices like repetition, contrast, questions, and even humor to engage your reader but do it sparingly. Also, remember to employ the right tone for your piece. For a research-based paper, use a formal tone, but when you are telling a story, you can use friendly, optimistic, or humorous tones.
Closing Remarks
Persuasion is a crucial skill in communication and writing. It is a skill that will serve you as a student and even past graduation. Use the above tips to enhance your persuasive writing skills and practice to be a more effective communicator; it will open you up to more opportunities.