You may not be aware of it, but there is more to your power bill than what you see. You are not only paying for the amount of electricity your household consumes. If you’re planning on reducing the amount you pay, you must take several factors into account. So, we created this article as a guide for you to use about the price of electricity in Adelaide.
Electricity Usage
The amount of electricity you consume in a whole year varies. In certain months, your usage goes up, just like in summer when you cool yourself using the AC. On the other hand, you need to keep yourself warm using your home’s heating system in wintertime. Nevertheless, a household uses varying amounts of electricity.
For example, In Adelaide, a single-person household uses an average of 4,500 kilowatt-hours in a year. That’s roughly equivalent to 377 kWh of electricity per month. On the other hand, a four-person household usually consumes an average of 4,725 kWh a year or 394 kWh a month.
Electricity Costs
Your electric bill cannot be computed when the power rates are missing. These rates vary from retailer to retailer, but one thing is certain– your electric bill is made up of supply and usage rates components.
Supply Rates
Connecting your household to the energy supply system is not free. Electricity generators charge your energy retailer to connect to the network. This is what we call supply rates. An example of expenses going into the supply rates are the transmission and distribution costs.
Usage Rates
On the other hand, usage rates are what you pay for according to your energy consumption. Adelaide’s usage rates are usually 30 to 40 cents per kilowatt-hour of electricity consumed. However, comparing them is important because their rates l vary from retailer to retailer.
Reducing Your Bill: How to do it?
It’s well known that the price of electricity in Adelaide is quite expensive. However, don’t fret. There are plenty of ways to reduce your bill; the most obvious way would be reducing your electric consumption.
You can start by insulating your home, instead of using heaters all the time. If you enjoy watching TV and movies, conserve energy and reduce your device’s brightness. Then, you can go bigger by installing eco-friendly and energy-efficient appliances and lighting. In this way you conserve electricity while still using your appliances normally.
Like we said before, you can also reduce your power bill by comparing electricity retailers. You can go for those with lower rates yet still have a great reliable service. Of course, you can change retailers from time to time because Australian legislation protects your rights as an electric consumer.
Electricity, Costs, and You
Remember that you consume electricity for every appliance you use, and every light you turn on. These have equivalent costs that you’ll pay, and some components are out of your control. However, despite these costs, you can still reduce your power bill. Start with small steps, and this starts with staying informed with the basics of the electricity supply industry.