Should I cin The Fall? Yes! Here is Why and How


Fertilize My Lawn

We all adore soft green lawns, but it’s not so easy to accomplish it. Should you keep on with fertilizers during the fall? We will explain why the best fall fertilizers are necessary for your thriving to achieve a beautiful lawn.

Lawns are a beautiful part of our garden, and they are also beneficial for human well-being. Best quality lawn reduces heat in summer and generates extra oxygen. Because of these advantages, we should consider putting a little bit more effort into having an amazing lawn. If you choose best organic lawn fertilizer for fall lawn, you will very fast transform average lawn will into a magnificent one. It’s not so complicated to fertilize lawn in fall and once when you start, and you won’t stop doing it because results are so wonderful.

In our article, we will explain importance of fall fertilizing and give some practical advice about good quality lawn. Different information is circulating about best time for fertilization. Maybe your question is when we should finish with lawn fertilization? Of course, there are different opinions, but for a best quality lawn, you don’t pause with dressing during autumn. It’s good to feed grass as long as the soil is active. Stay with us and discover why you need fall fertilizer, how to choose adequate one, and to apply it correctly.

The Advantages of Fall Fertilizers

Here we will count some arguments that should explain the importance of fall fertilization. After sowing the soil needs nutrient boosting. Feeding the soil with adequate fertilizer is necessary for repairing of yard after sowing season.
The Advantages of Fall Fertilizers
Soil nowadays is nutrient deficient due to climate change. Yes, it’s true, we need to take into consideration climate changes and fertilize soil more frequently than before. One additional note: best fall fertilizer will also assure weed-free lawn. If we don’t convince you that fall fertilizer is necessary, you will try it as an experiment. After this experiment, next fall you will, for sure, decide to do it again.

How to Choose Right Fertilizer?

We highly recommend usage of natural compost, but if you don’t have time to prepare compost, organic fertilizers can be a suitable replacement. Every fertilizer has a label with fertilizer ratio, which consists of three numbers, and you should pay attention to that. They show a percentage of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Choosing fall fertilizer for lawn also depends on soil quality. Generally speaking, fall lawn fertilize ratio should have a small percentage of nitrogen because you don’t need plant boosting like in spring. Fall is a season for balancing, so just add some juice into the soil for better overcoming of winter frost.

When to Fertilize the Lawn?

Before deciding when to do it, search when frost days start in your area. Plan the day for fertilization because it’s best to do it two or three weeks before temperature goes below zero. For the best effects, do it in the morning when autumn dew can support absorbance of nutrients. In most cases, middle October is right time for lawn fertilization. Just one warning, don’t fertilize before the rain, because rain will ruin your effort for proportional applying.

How to Apply It?

weed killer
First, of course, prepare the lawn and remove all leaves. Apply fertilizer equally on every part of yard. For proper spreading, check instructions or consult lawn care service. Fertilizer calculator app is useful for calculating nutrients in manure. We also recommend usage of spreader machines, which are available on the market at affordable prices. Lightweight spreader machines are easy to use, even when you are a beginner.

Final Word

We explained the basics of fall fertilization for lawns. Still, we won’t judge if you choose to hire a professional lawn care service. For sure, you can manage to do it, but, in the end, you are the one that will make a final decision. Just put some work into it and enjoy gardening. All efforts will pay off when you see new extravagant and soft lawn.

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