If you enjoy spending a lot of time at home, online therapy allows you to get help without having to leave your own personal space. Online therapy offers a lot of conveniences that traditional in-person sessions cannot, and in this article will cover some of the main benefits of online therapy and why you should consider it if you are looking to improve and enrich your life.
It Eliminates The Need To Travel
First and foremost, one of the main perks to using online therapy is that you don’t need to travel anywhere, and everything can be done from the comfort of your own home. This is also especially useful for people who live in rural areas or others who may have limited access or transportation to a physical location.
The main things that you will need is a reliable internet connection, a device that can connect to it, and a webcam and microphone for live video chat.
Although it’s optional, and text-based methods are available, video chat features are what gives you the same face-to-face interaction with your therapist, and it helps recreate the experience of being in the actual presence of a professional.
Nonetheless, everything can be done from your living room, your home office, or even in your backyard, depending on the type of device you choose to use and where you prefer to settle down and enjoy your sessions. Plus, it’s quite easy to check out the top virtual counseling services and choose one that meets your requirements.
Scheduling Is Flexible
If you’re looking for an appointment, and you want to get help quickly, online therapy is the right option for you.
Because it’s all done remotely, online therapy services need to be able to accommodate people from different locations who have varying schedules, and places such as BetterHelp have countless mental health professionals on board to service the needs of these individuals.
At BetterHelp, it’s easy to find a qualified therapist who can assist you with your concerns; there are specialists awaiting, so no challenge is too difficult.
Once you sign up, finding a therapist that works with your schedule is easy at BetterHelp and this also greatly adds to the convenience factor that online therapy provides.
Communication is Open
Similar to scheduling, in order for online therapy to function properly, there must be different ways that people can communicate with their counselor or therapist.
Unlike in-person sessions, which may be limited to office visits and occasional phone calls or emails, online therapy offers flexibility in how you can communicate with your therapist.
In addition to the video chat features mentioned earlier, you can text, call, or email your therapist whenever you wish, not just in case of emergencies. There will be a chat room where you can leave a message and your therapist will respond here too without the need to schedule an appointment.
However, keep in mind, your therapist will have a personal life outside of work, so there will be times where they cannot be reached directly and in real-time, and these times will be discussed between you.
It’s More Affordable
Lastly, one of the aspects that makes online therapy a very attractive option is its affordability, and this makes it more accessible to more people who need help than ever before.
In contrast to traditional methods that can charge by the hour or per session, online therapy operates on a subscription plan model. For example, BetterHelp will have a weekly cost but will bill you every 4 weeks.
This makes things much more accessible to people from different financial backgrounds who may not be able to afford to pay by the hour or per session, and assistance is also available as well. Additionally, checking insurance coverage or asking common questions like ‘Is BetterHelp covered by insurance?’ before undergoing mental health therapy can also help you determine if your insurance will cover some of the cost.
With your subscription, you will have unlimited access to your services and can message your therapist when you want to since this doesn’t require scheduling – you’ll receive a notification when your therapist responds to you.
It’s Private and Confidential
Many people who are curious about trying online therapy are unsure of how privacy and confidentiality work on them; however, other than using technology, there isn’t really a difference. In fact, online therapy may even more discrete in some ways.
Firstly, the technology that is used by BetterHelp is designed with a person’s privacy in mind and is completely secure through strong encryption methods and information is also scrambled, so there is no chance the data can be inappropriately accessed and used.
Just like a therapist that you would work with in-person, the one you interact with online is a licensed professional who must abide by all federal and state laws, including ones regarding confidentiality. Only in the event of the threat of danger can confidentiality can be broken.
What also adds to increased privacy with online therapy from BetterHelp is that you don’t need to necessarily use your real name when talking to your counselor or therapist. You can use a nickname and this can add a sense of anonymity. However, when you begin, you will be asked for your emergency contact information, and only if there is a serious issue, such as you or someone else being in danger, will this information be accessed and acted on.
Finding Your Online Therapist
If online therapy sounds right up your alley and you want to start speaking to a therapist as soon as possible, signing up is easy.
To learn more and get started today, please visit:
You can also join the community and follow BetterHelp on Facebook as well and stay connected with individuals who are also committed to better mental health and happier lives.
As you can see from all of the benefits it has to offer, online therapy is perfect for homebodies and those who need some extra flexibility with their schedules. No matter what you’re situation is, there is a professional available for you at BetterHelp and assistance is just a click away.
Author Biography
Marie Miguel has been a writing and research expert for nearly a decade, covering a variety of health- related topics. Currently, she is contributing to the expansion and growth of a free online mental health resource with BetterHelp.com. With an interest and dedication to addressing stigmas associated with mental health, she continues to specifically target subjects related to anxiety and depression.