Tips To Prepare For Your Building Inspection


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Building inspections typically occur before purchasing a building loan or building and pest insurance. The Building inspector will investigate the building to ensure it complies with Australia’s Building Codes and Standards and Council laws. Still, they can also be done for reasons other than these.

Building inspections will help you discover any problems with the structural integrity of your house and ensure that all aspects of the building comply with the building codes at hand.

Inspection companies like Building Inspections Brisbane are usually accurate and free from errors. Still, sometimes mistakes can be made, or new problems found. Building inspections in Brisbane can take some time (usually about an hour or two). It is worth it for peace of mind and avoiding legal issues after moving in. 

Building inspectors must be thorough, but need your help too! Here are some tips to help you prepare for your building inspection.

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What Does The Building Inspection Process Look Like?

The building inspection is typically preceded by an on-site visit by the building inspector, a pre-purchase building inspection in Brisbane. This type of inspection ensures that there are no issues or defects with the property that could impact its value or make it challenging to refurbish/develop.

A strata (or body corporate) inspection typically accompanies a pre-purchase building inspection identifying common property defects or expensive recurring maintenance costs. Inspections are critical for potential buyers of all kinds, not just first home buyers but also investors and renovators. The inspection will give you peace of mind before signing on the dotted line.

How to prepare for your building inspection in Brisbane

  • Speak with your real estate agent about arranging an inspection before you finalize the sale (if possible). This way, if there are any issues, you can either renegotiate the price or ask the owner to rectify them before settlement.
  • Make sure you get your building inspector to provide a checklist of what they will inspect (if they don’t already do this). Doing this gives you time to learn about warranties, building products, etc.
  • Make sure you know any common property issues, e.g., sinking fund contributions, by-laws, levies, or body corporate fees. If necessary, you can use this information to negotiate with your agent or seller on these matters.
  • Make sure you are home when the building inspector arrives so that you can ask them any questions about any issues they encountered during their visit.
  • Do some research on building inspections in Brisbane, warranties, and building products, so that you understand these things before your appointment.
  • Ask your mortgage broker for a copy of your building inspection report before sending it to the lender. This gives you time to identify any issues with the property, negotiate with the seller or make contingency plans if necessary.


It can be overwhelming if you are not prepared for building inspections in Brisbane. Do some research on building inspections in Brisbane, warranties, and building products so that you have an understanding of these things before your appointment.

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