Tune Up Checklist for Your Furnace


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While many people enjoy colder weather and winter activities, nobody likes to be cold inside their home. When the winter season is on the horizon, it is imperative that you have preventative maintenance performed on your furnace before it gets cold. The winter months could place heavy demands on your heating system depending on where you live. An annual furnace inspection and service will ensure that your equipment is ready for the falling temperatures.

Experts agree that your furnace should last around 15 to 20 years. With regular maintenance and care, however, you can extend the life of your equipment. While there are some things that you can do as a homeowner, it is important that you get a professional HVAC technician to perform a full tune-up on your furnace each year. Tasks like checking and changing your air filters regularly, as well as clearing debris from around your equipment, are things that all homeowners need to do as part of a maintenance checklist. Aside from this, however, you should have a professional check out your heating system. Just like we see a doctor for an annual physical and a mechanic for a car tune-up and oil change, regular service for your furnace needs to be handled by an expert.

When a professional HVAC technician performs your regular furnace maintenance, the tune up checklist will include things like a unit and wiring inspection, cleaning and lubricating internal parts, and addressing any minor issues. Regular maintenance will ensure that your furnace runs smoothly and efficiently all winter long. Let’s take a look at some of the things that are included on the checklist for a furnace tune-up.

Inspection and Cleaning

When an HVAC professional performs your annual furnace service, they will do a thorough inspection of your entire system. Wear and tear on your furnace throughout the normal operation can lead to loose belts, small cracks, and minor leaks. A professional furnace tune-up will include a complete inspection to identify any issues. The HVAC technician will also clean the interior of the furnace. As some parts, such as the burner and flame sensor, can become dirty and cause furnace malfunctions, the technician will ensure that these essential components and more are clean and ready for the heating season.

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Safety Check

Since your furnace is a complex piece of equipment that relies on combustible material and high temperatures, there are some safety concerns that can arise. Blocked vents, loose connections, faulty components, and other things could create a fire hazard. Your HVAC mechanic will ensure that these issues are addressed. Additionally, a cracked heat exchanger could lead to carbon monoxide leaks that cause serious health consequences if unnoticed. The technician will make sure that there isn’t an issue that could arise from the combustion inside your furnace. Moreover, it is also important for homeowners to regularly check their furnace. Having a furnace blowing cold air is a sign of potential problems that require attention. Regular monitoring and addressing any unusual behavior promptly can contribute to the safe and efficient operation of your furnace.


As discussed, your furnace could experience some minor problems over the course of regular operation. In most cases, these problems won’t stop your furnace from working. If left unaddressed, however, they could cause larger problems later. The HVAC mechanic will make adjustments to your equipment and ensure that it is in good shape. These adjustments include tightening belts, calibrating the equipment, checking and lubricating the blower motor, and tweaking other moving parts and components. These changes will help your furnace operate more efficiently and effectively during the winter months.

From preventing additional repairs and improving the efficiency of your furnace to ensuring safe operation, furnace maintenance is essential to keeping your equipment running in top shape. The professional heating and cooling mechanic has a detailed checklist for inspecting, cleaning, and tuning up your equipment during your annual service appointment. Aside from the routine maintenance tasks that homeowners complete, it is imperative to have a professional tune-up performed at least once a year.

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