Health is wealth but getting it comes at a price.
People have suddenly realized that a lot of their ailments and medical deficiencies can be traced to a variety of factors. One of such contributing factors is unhealthy eating habits or the absence of required nutrients in their daily diets.
According to Highway420, people can make the most of their daily food intake by ensuring their food is highly nutritional. The benefits include optimal body performance, improved systemic functions, and the prevention of diseases.
This brings us to a controversial question in the food industry what is a superfood?
Come with us as we dive in to explore the intersection between natural remedies and modern medicine.
Superfood A myth or truth?
Superfoods can be defined as food substances that contain a vast array of beneficial nutrients. Examples of superfoods include berries, cruciferous vegetables, beans, leafy greens, and nuts. They are particularly rich in essential vitamins, minerals, proteins, and anti-oxidants
Incorporating vegetables into your daily diet is a healthy lifestyle choice as veggies are nutritionally dense.
The concept of superfoods is controversial. What makes this concept controversial is the broad range of takes that you would come across sampling the subject.
To some, the concept of superfood is a sham, a marketing ploy at best to trigger sales. This viewpoint is mostly shared among dietitians and industry experts. To them, a variety of foods would offer you the required nutrients not a single food. To some others, there are indeed foods befitting of the appellation ‘superfoods’.
It would interest you to know that cannabis is deemed a superfood and there are several facts in support of this assertion. Skilled chefs and food enthusiasts can be seen using little doses of cannabis in making their sumptuous recipes. According to them, it gives the food nutritional density and a unique kind of flavor.
Hence, it is not surprising to find cannabis-infused mushroom-stews or mac and cheese.
You should note that the form in which cannabis can be consumed differs. You can either eat cannabis seeds, chew the leaves, or use the oil.
In cases where you want to use the leaves, you should use them raw and ensure that they are freshly harvested. This eliminates every occurrence of psychoactivity and this is a result of the presence of THCA (tetrahydrocannabinolic acid).
THCA is an inactive cannabinoid found in the trichomes of freshly harvested cannabis plants.
The cannabis seed is perhaps the greatest derivative of the cannabis Sativa plant genus. The reason for its popularity is its low THC contents. Hence, chances are that you wouldn’t be stoned during intake.
Why the seeds?
Although the cannabis plant has a lot of modified forms, the seed seems to be the most viable option. One reason for this is the concentration of cannabinoids in the flowers of the cannabis plant. Hence the seeds have low THC contents.
Due to its high concentration of nutrients, vegans and vegetarians eat hemp seeds. The fact that this seed is a low-calorie and nutritionally dense option makes it a coveted option.
Some physicians also recommend these seeds instead of using opiates as pain relievers. Also, the tendency of respiratory tract issues that could arise from smoking is eliminated with this option.
Cannabis seeds also contain a decent amount of beneficial fats. These fats are necessary to prevent deficiencies or system malfunctions. Fats like Omega3-s and 6-s are contained in this seed. These fat have been beneficial in treating, preventing, and significantly reducing a lot of medical ailments.
Below are some of the benefits of cannabis seed oil:
- They are effective in preventing cardiovascular diseases which may result in death.
- They play a significant role in brain development in infants during pregnancy and in their formative years.
- They prevent inflammation
- They stimulate hair growth and maintain reproductive health.
Cannabis seeds contain a variety of minerals and beneficial compounds ranging from vitamins, zinc, magnesium, iron, enzymes, and anti-oxidants.
Cannabis seeds contain both nutritional and medicinal qualities. Plant-based proteins like cannabis seeds reduce your risk of death by 10% when you increase their intake to 3% according to research.
FAQ about cannabis seeds.
Are Cannabis seeds gluten-free?
Yes, the typical cannabis seed should be gluten-free. However, there is a risk of contamination. This contamination occurs when the farmer uses the same place and equipment to keep and harvest the hemp and other grains.
That’s why it is advised you should buy from a website like Herbies. A trusted website is a transparent one. As complications can arise if a person with gluten allergies ingests the seeds.
Would I be stoned if I take cannabis seeds?
No. Cannabis seeds are very low in THC (the cannabinoid responsible for the feeling of ecstasy experienced by most of its users).
This also translates to a low rate of addiction incidence. Since the euphoric feeling that usually gets people hooked is greatly reduced if not eliminated, addiction is kept at bay.
Do cannabis seeds contain fats?
Yes, they do contain a significant amount of harmless fat. The fats here are needed for the optimal performance of the brain and other organs. These fats are called Omega fats as our bodies cannot produce these fats on their own. Hence, we need them from external sources.
Thus, it is safe to say that these oils can be directly linked to heightened cognitive functions, particularly Omega-3s oils.
Is there any correlation between weight loss and cannabis seeds?
Yes. Studies have shown that regular intake of cannabis seeds can significantly reduce the risk of obesity. This is lt of the protein density as you won’t have to eat for a much longer period.
Can cannabis seeds ease the pain?
Yes, cannabis seeds have been used in treating chronic pains. Some cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy use cannabis seeds to reduce the pain often experienced during chemotherapy.
Wrapping up.
Cannabis as a whole can be regarded as a superfood as a result of its constituents. Its capacity to affect the human system is jaw-breaking. A little dose of this natural remedy can nourish the body, keep diseases at bay and eliminate systemic deficiencies. Its seed and leaves are a testament to its medicinal and nutritional value.
Hence, it is appropriate for you to buy from a website that sells quality and is compliant with industry practices. Think cannabis seeds, think Herbies.