Comparing the Costs of Interlocking Pavers, Asphalt and Concrete Driveways


Interlocking Paver Driveway Maintenance Costs

It’s the dream of every homeowner to own a beautiful home. But there’s another reason to aspire for an impressive residence. The consensus among real estate professionals is that a home’s first impression plays a big part in how it fares in the market. The driveway is a significant element of curb appeal because it’s one of the most noticeable features in the home.

Asphalt and concrete have traditionally been the preferred materials for driveway construction. Interlocking stone pavers, however, are quickly becoming a common sight in many driveways due to their unique look and ease of installation. So, that you can call landscaping companies for interlocking driveways, they will help you to install it perfectly.

Here we compare the installation and maintenance costs of the three types of driveway surfaces.

Interlocking Paver Driveway Installation Costs

Interlocking Paver Driveway
Interlocking pavers are made of cement or concrete and shaped in way that they interlock with similar pavers. This makes it possible to install them without any mortar. Interlocking pavers closely resemble
cobblestone pathways.

Interlocking pavers offer a high degree of flexibility in design compared to asphalt and concrete since they can be designed in a wide variety of pattern and color combinations that allow for the creation of special and personal effects. The costs of interlocking stone paver driveways can be broken down as follows:

  • Material costs: This is the actual costs of the pavers plus the substrate (what goes under the pavers) and joint sand. Total material costs fall in the $6 per square foot to $8 per square foot range
  • Labour costs: Depending on the size and complexity of the patterns, labour costs are in the $2 per square foot to $8 per square foot range.
  • Total interlocking stone driveway costs therefore work out to about $8 per square foot to $16 per square foot.

It’s important to note that labour costs are the big variable here. Some homeowners have the requisite skills to install pavers on their own. On the other hand, some professional installers charge at least $50 per hour for site preparation, installation and cleanup.

Interlocking Paver Driveway Maintenance Costs

Just like asphalt and concrete driveways, interlocking paver driveways require minimal maintenance. Because pavers are porous, they tend to become stained over the years and might require sealing every three to four years to keep out marks from oil, tires and other contaminants. Sealing is done using polymeric sand while a regular pressure wash will keep the surface clean. Sealing costs are $0.92-$2 per square foot.

Asphalt and Concrete Driveway Costs

Asphalt and Concrete Driveway Costs
Installation for both an asphalt and concrete driveway is specialized work that should be handled by a professional.

The average 600-square-foot asphalt driveway will cost $283 in materials and $947 in labour for a total of $1,230, which works out to $2.05 per square foot. Costs for a stamped or colour top coat can go as high as $8 per square foot.

The average 600-square-foot concrete driveway will cost $868 in materials and $2,126 in labour for a total of $2,994, which works out to $4.99 per square foot. Costs for a stained or custom finish goes up to $15 per square foot.

The table below is a summary of the costs for the three driveway surfaces:

  Minimum Installation Cost (per square foot) Maximum Installation Costs (per square foot)
Interlocking Paver $8 $16
Asphalt $2 $8
Concrete $5 $15

It’s equally important to note that maintenance costs for an asphalt driveway are considerably higher than those for either interlocking pavers or concrete driveways. Being petroleum based, asphalt oxidizes over time and requires intensive sealing every 3-5 years. Sealers, on the other hand, are not strictly required for concrete driveways though they can be applied every few years to maintain custom finishes.

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