Should You Ask Contractors Working at Your Home to Provide a Background Check?


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Trusting someone into your home for renovations or repair can be both one of the most risky things you can do to yourself and your family. We must stress the fact that you need to make sure all of your contractors are thoroughly vetted. Always ask your friends or neighbors for help if they know any trustworthy contractors that they have worked with. To ensure the safety of your family and your home a thorough process of background checks should be conducted not just to ensure the quality of work. Here are some additional factors you should consider when it comes to vetting your contractors.

Licenses are Important

Licenses are Important
Contractors should always be properly licensed to prove that they can do the work you have requested. If they belong to a company, ask for their client lists and contact them for additional information. When checking your contractor’s license double-check to make sure it is a Contractor’s license and not a Business license. A contractor’s license means they have been trained and educated in their field of operation.

Unlicensed contractors will tend to pressurize you into commencing projects earlier in exchange for a lower price, take your time and make sure you research them thoroughly, saving a few thousand dollars is not worth the dangers of a faulty, rushed repair or renovation.

Ensure your contractor is conducting his business with you lawfully and honestly if your renovation requires permits to make sure all the required documents are requested and acknowledged before any work has commenced.

Word of Mouth

Word of Mouth
References and good word of mouth hold greater importance than you think. Asking your friends, co-workers about good contractors and companies that they may have heard of or employed will aid you in making a decision.

There is nothing wrong with asking contractors for a list of clients they have recently worked with, your safety and the protection of your property is of greatest importance. Rating and reviews on the company’s websites can also provide insight into how they operate.

Police Checks

Background checks are an added step for you to follow, you can contact your State or county office that contains records of complaints and currently operating contractor’s licenses. It is important to check for complaints under the company’s name or the owners, usually fraudulent and dangerous contractors change their company names in an attempt to erase their past.

Australian accredited agencies provide you with verified police checks with a national police check. These checks provide a listing of an individual’s criminal history. These police checks do not have an expiration date and thus need to be conducted regularly, keep this in mind when looking for contractors. Regardless of whether you are based in New South Wales and need a police check NSW or would like a national clearance certificate, you can get both online.

Experience and Time

Experience and Time
Check the number of years the business has been operational and how long the contractor has been working in the industry. By knowing the amount of time they have spent operating in the industry you can try and narrow down the possibilities of untrained and unprofessional workers.

Experience is an important factor to consider when choosing a contractor to work with. You can also reach out to prior employers to get feedback.

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